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Requirements for Members

1. You must participate in a minimum of 1/3 of the events. (We will make sure the events are virtual and accessible to those doing virtual or VirtualPlus school.)


2. You are required to attend a specific amount of meetings a month. (amount depends based on the month)


3. For the year 2020-2021, we are going to be implementing a points system, meaning every event and meeting will be worth a specific amount of points and you must collect a certain number of points by the end of the year.






4. You must represent our club in a positive manner, meaning failure to be a good role model student may result in exclusion from the club.

Failure to comply with any requirements can result in a suspended and/or discontinued membership.

However, we are very flexible and understanding, so if there is anything we can do to better help you be in our club please let us know! We will work with you!

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